Ruolo Responsabile Unità Ecologia forestale e cicli biogeochimici
Telefono diretto 0461615678

My main research interests are remote sensing, eddy covariance, carbon balance, ecophysiology, forest resources inventory. I took part in the EU projects on carbon balance, ECOMONT (Ecological Effects of Land-Use Changes on European Terrestrial Mountain Ecosystems, IV framework) and CARBOMONT (Effects of land use changes on sources, sinks and fluxes of carbon in European mountain areas, PI for the institute, V framework) on the interactions between the C and N cycles and biodiversity in grasslands and their role for the greenhouse gas balance. I was the PI for the Institute in the UE project CARBOEUROPE-IP (Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon Balance, VI framework) and actually I am the PI of NITROEUROPE-IP (The nitrogen cycle and its influence on the European greenhouse gas balance, VI framework) GHG-Europe (Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems, VII framework) projects and of the National project financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (FISR fund), CARBOITALY (National network to measure forest and agricultural sink of greenhouse gases). I am also the responsible of the three eddy experimental FLUXNET sites, Monte Bondone, Lavarone and Valle dell’Adige.

Curriculum Vitae Scarica il file (46,49 kB)
E-mail damiano.gianelle@fmach.it
Strutture di riferimento C.R.I. - UNITA' ECOLOGIA FORESTALE
Aggiornamento annuale dichiarazione incompatibilità
Incarico dirigenziale No
Data inizio contratto 01/01/2008
Contratto a tempo indeterminato
Pagina pubblicata: Mercoledì, 19 Dicembre 2012 - Ultima modifica: Domenica, 02 Gennaio 2022