Cognome MALNOY
Ruolo Responsabile Unità Genomica e biologia avanzata
Telefono diretto 0461615536

Research activity

His research activity before joining FEM was mainly dealing with plant pathology and functional genomic to understand the defense mechanism of apple to fire blight and apple scab. At FEM he contributed to the development of biotechnology procedure for apple and grapevine (transgenesis, cisgenesis and new breeding technology). He contributed to the investigation and characterization of susceptible and resistance gene in apple and grapevine for the main bacterial (fire blight) and fungal (apple scab and powdery mildew) disease. He participated to the genome sequencing project of apple cv Golden delicious and pear cv Bartlett. His research work led to several scientific papers (ISI-WEB researcher ID: C-5007-2012) and communications to national and international conferences> He has been supervisor or co-supervisor of ca 20 thesis.

Research interests

His primary research interest is in functional genomics, with particular emphasis on understanding the molecular mechanism behind the susceptibility and resistance response of the plant to pathogen attack.

  • 1997: MSc Degree in Biological Sciences from University of Toulouse (France)
  • 1999-2001: PhD in Biological Sciences from University of Angers (France)
  • 2002-2004: Post-doct in the Department of Plant Pathologist at Cornell University (USA)
  • 2005-2007: Researcher Associate in the Department of Plant Pathologist at Cornell University (USA)
  • Since 2007 Researcher at Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM)
Curriculum Vitae Scarica il file (202,99 kB)
E-mail mickael.malnoy@fmach.it
Strutture di riferimento C.R.I. - UNITA' BIOTECNOLOGIE VEGETALI
Aggiornamento annuale dichiarazione incompatibilità
Incarico dirigenziale No
Data inizio contratto 01/10/2010
Contratto a tempo indeterminato
Pagina pubblicata: Mercoledì, 19 Dicembre 2012 - Ultima modifica: Domenica, 02 Gennaio 2022